After starting out my career in Equestrian, I experienced great coaching, training and mentorship. At the age of 19, I faced challenges both personally and professionally, but through that challenge came great change. During this time, I pivoted my career into Human Resources and jumped head first into a multitude of different industries, from automotive, outdoor advertising, talent acquisition, shipping & freight and digital accessibility. Growing my career from HR Assistant to Head of People Experience
Over the last 10 years as a HR Leader, I have seen and done a lot. I've designed and implemented foundational human centric structures, partnered with hundreds of first time + seasoned managers, developed cultures and created environments that drove true personal development. I was able to start my coaching journey here and it only made me hungrier for more. So much so that in 2023 I took the leap in launching a business whose sole purpose is to create the new wave of 21st century leaders.
Times have changed. The current execution style leadership is dying out and a growth minded style is moving in fast and managers are not ready for it. The transition from individual contributor to manager isn't easy and rarely gets the training + coaching needed to create confident, skilled and growth minded leaders that drive results.
My focus is to partner with Manager & Leaders to teach fundamental management skills, harness their strengths and be truthfully aware about where they have room to grow and empower them to expand into great leaders that build empowered teams.
I am ultimately driven by human development; working with people managers to guide, teach, coach and encourage them to grow into kick ass leaders for the 21st century.
If you are ready to step into imposter syndrome, learn from it and start raising your self awareness then I am ready to jump on board for you.